Dmitri Vladimirovich Sarabianov

(10.10.1923 — 19.07.2013)

Soviet and Russian art historian, specialist in the history of Russian and Soviet fine arts, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Department of Literature and Language (art studies and the theory of culture) from 23 December 1987, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences from 11 June 1992, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts from 1997.

The numerous articles, essays, notes and introductions to catalogues written by D.V. Sarabianov can be viewed as inseparable parts of one general text forming a sort of tree with its root system and crown rather than as separate works. Sarabianov’s legacy is characterized by a special systemic approach. The theme of tradition and continuity of Russian art of the 19th and 20th centuries is one of the most meaningful binding structures of that system. It was his general examination of the two centuries of Russian art through the prism of tradition that enabled Sarabianov to formulate the fundamental methodological problems such as Russian art in search of its essence and identity, genetic memory of art, the ethical aspect of Russian art and, finally, the problem of style that became pivotal to the dialogue between Russia and the West.

Inspired by the idea of liberating scholarly thought from narrow dogmas and taking it to the big time, Sarabianov produced his multidimensional model of the history of Russian art and laid the groundwork for Russian art studies to attain the needed “radiant” planetary dimension. Sarabianov was the first to propose many descriptions and definitions characterizing one stage of the history of Russian art or another, individual local masters, and the choice of relevant epochs (trends and creative personalities) of Western art. This willpower for synthesis was rooted in Sarabianov’s characteristic unity of profound intellect, high moral standards, keen sense of nature and poetic gift.


  1. “Monografii o masterakh frantsuzskogo iskusstva” [Monographs on Masters of French Art]. Review, VOKS magazine “Fine Art Chronicle”, Nos. 1-2, 1946.
  2. “Dolg sovetskikh khudozhnikov” [The Duty of Soviet Artists], Sovetskoye iskusstvo, 20 February 1951.
  3. “Knigi o russkikh khudozhnikakh” [Books about Russian Artists]. Review, Sovetskoye iskusstvo, 3 October 1951.
  4. “Khudozhniki Rossiiskoi federatsii” [Artists of the Russian Federation], Iskusstvo, No. 1, 1951.
  5. “Bytovoi zhanr” [Run-of-the-mill Genre], in Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, vol. 6, Moscow, 1951 (co-authored).
  6. “V.V. Vereshchagin”, in Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 2nd edition, vol. 7, Moscow, 1951.
  7. “Kniga o sovetskoi portretnoi zhivopisi” [A Book of Soviet Portrait Painting]. Review, Iskusstvo, No. 3, 1952.
  8. “Khudozhnik-oblichitel” [Tell-Tale Artist] (about P.A. Fedotov. – D.S.), Literaturnaya gazeta, November 1952.
  9. “I. N. Kramskoi”, Smena, No. 11, 1952.
  10. “Zabytyi risunok Surikova” [Surikov’s Forgotten Drawing], Iskusstvo, No. 4, 1952 (co-authored with E.Z. Gankina).
  11. “Smotr molodykh sil” [Review of Young Forces], Smena, No. 23, 1952.
  12. “Temy krestianskoi zhizni i revolutsionnogo dvizheniia v tvorchestve Repina” [Themes of Peasant Life and Revolutionary Movement in Repin’s Works], Y. Repin (collection), Moscow: Izdatelstvo MGU, 1952.
  13. “I.Y. Repin. Sbornik dokladov i soobshchenii” [I.Y. Repin. Collected Presentations and Reports]. Review, Sovetskaya kniga, No. 9, 1952.
  14. V. Maliutin, Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1952.
  15. “V.I. Surikov”, Smena, No. 16, 1953.
  16. “Polozhitelnyi obraz v russkoi zhivopisi vtoroi poloviny XIX veka” [Positive Images in Russian Painting of the Second Half of the 19th Century], Iskusstvo, No. 5, 1953.
  17. “Osnovnye puti razvitiia russkoi zhivopisi 30-40kh godov XIX veka” [Main Paths of Development of Russian Painting in the 1830s – 1840s], Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta, No. 4, 1953.
  18. “Kniga po teorii iskusstva” [A Book on the Theory of Art] (review of G.A. Nedoshivin’s Essays on the Theory of Arts), Voprosy filosofii, No. 6, 1954 (co-authored with G. Matviets).
  19. “Vystavka rabot S.T. Konenkova” [Exhibition of S.T. Konenkov’s Works], Iskusstvo, No. 1, 1955. Reprinted in the collection Vysokoie prizvaniie sovetskogo khudozhnika [Lofty Calling of Soviet Artists], Moscow, 1957.
  20. “O tvorchestve K.A. Savitskogo (k 50-letiiu so dnia smerti)” [On K.A. Savitsky’s Works (towards 50thdeath anniversary)], Iskusstvo, No. 3, 1955.
  21. “Y. Repin”, in Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 2ndedition, vol. 36, Moscow, 1955 (co-authored).
  22. “RSFSR. Izobrazitelnoie iskusstvo i arkhitektura” [RSFSR. Fine Arts and Architecture], in Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 2ndedition, vol. 37, Moscow, 1955 (co-authored).
  23. “Zamechatelnyi master risunka” [Remarkable Master of Drawing (on I.Y. Repin’s drawings. – D.S.)], Smena, No. 19, 1955.
  24. “Great Russian Painter” (on I.Y. Repin’s works. – D.S.), VOKS Bulletin, No. 5 (94), 1955, Moscow.
  25. “Tvorcheski otnositsia k naslediiu” [To Treat Heritage Creatively], Sovetskaya kultura, 22 December 1955. Reprinted in Vysokoie prizvaniie sovetskogo khudozhnika [Lofty Calling of Soviet Artists], Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1957.
  26. “Narodno-osvoboditelnyie idei russkoi zhivopisi vtoroi poloviny XIX veka” [National Liberation Ideas in Russian Painting of the Second Half of the 19th Century], Moscow-Leningrad: Iskusstvo, 1955.
  27. Y. Repin, Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1955.
  28. Y. Repin, (published in English, Swedish, and Chinese), Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1955-1958.
  29. “K voprosu o vzaimootnosheniiakh drevnerusskogo i vizantiiskogo iskusstva” [Apropos Interrelationships between Early Russian and Byzantine Art], Moscow: USSR Academy of Sciences Press, 1955. Reprinted in Byzantinoslavica, Prague, XIX/1, 1958.
  30. Y. Repin. Art Book. Introductory article and editing, Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1956. Second edition 1974.
  31. “Mozaiki Kakhriie-Dzhami” [Mosaics of Kariye Camii], Inostrannaya literatura, No. 3, 1956.
  32. “Sokrovishchnitsa natsionalnogo iskusstva” [Treature-trove of National Art (towards Tretyakov Gallery’s anniversary. – D.S.)], Sovetskaya kultura, 12 May 1956.
  33. “Neuviadaiemoie iskusstvo” [Undying Art], Sovetskaya Rossiya, 23 July 1956.
  34. “Zametki o tvorcheskom metode Aleksandra Ivanova” [Notes on Alexander Ivanov’s Creative Method], Iskusstvo, No. 1, 1957.
  35. “De la relation entre l'art byzantin et l'art ancien russe”, in Actes du X-eme Congres International d'Etudes Byzantines, Istanbul, 1957.
  36. “Itogi i perspektivy (o sovremennom sovetskom izobrazitelnom iskusstve)” [Results and Prospects (On Modern Soviet Fine Arts)], Vestnik istorii mirovoi kultury, No. 5, 1957. Reprinted in Probleme de arta plastica,Bucharest, No. 5, 1958.
  37. Vystavka rabot A.O. Ginevskogo [Exhibition of A.O. Ginevsky’s Works]. Exhibition catalogue (preface), Moscow, 1957.
  38. “Der Bildhauer Sergey Konenkov”, Bildende Kunst, No. 12, 1957.
  39. E. Arkhipov. Art Book. Introductory article and editing, Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1958.
  40. A. Chuikov, Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1958.
  41. Vystavka proizvedenii R.R. Falka [Exhibition of R.R. Falk’s Works]. Introduction to the catalogue, Moscow, 1958.
  42. “Novaya kniga o Repine” (na knigu Mary Tsonchevoi Y. Repin) [New Book about Repin (review of I.Y. Repinby Mara Tsoncheva)], Iskusstvo, No. 1, 1958.
  43. “Dostizheniia sovetskogo iskusstvoznaniia v oblasti izucheniia dorevoliutsionnogo russkogo iskusstva” [Achievements of Soviet Art Studies in Studying Prerevolutionary Russian Art], Proceedings of Conference on 40 Years of Soviet Art Studies, Moscow, 1958, pp. 25-50.
  44. “Les arts plastique russes au XIX-e siècle”,Cahiers d'histoire mondiale. Contributions à l'histoire russe, 1958, pp. 241-266 (co-authored with A.A. Fedorov-Davydov).
  45. “Kirjankuvitus-taidetta” (Soviet Book Illustration), Neuvostoliitto, 9, Helsinki, 1958.
  46. Vystavka proizvedenii L.A. Bruni, N.N. Kupreyanova, P.V. Mituricha [Exhibition of Works of L.A. Bruni, N.N. Kupreyanov, P.V. Miturich]. Catalogue (Introductory article to L.A. Bruni), Moscow, 1958.
  47. Russkaya zhivopis XIX veka [Russian Painting of the 19th Century], Art Book. Introductory article and editing, Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1959. Second edition, Moscow, 1962.
  48. “V.A. Serov”, Tvorchestvo, No. 1, 1959.
  49. “Monumentalnaia zhivopis na vystavke dostizhenii narodnogo khozyaistva” [Murals at the Economic Achievements Exhibition], Tvorchestvo, No. 10, 1959. Reprinted by Sowjet Literatur, No. 2, 1960.
  50. “K voprosu o mnogoobrazii sovetskogo iskusstva” [On the Diversity of Soviet Art], Voprosy estetiki, issue III, Moscow, 1960.
  51. “Iskusstvo – v povsednevnuiu zhizn” [Art into Daily Life], Voprosy estetiki, issue IV, Moscow, 1960. Reprinted in Probleme de arta plastica (Bucharest), No. 3, 1962.
  52. Semjon Tschuikow, Berlin: Henschelverlag, 1960.
  53. “Colours of Armenia”, Grakan tert, 19 February 1960, Yerevan (in Armenian).
  54. “Khudozhnik, kraieved, vospitatel” (o tvorchestve D.I. Arkhangelskogo) [Artist, Local History Expert, Educator (on D.I. Arkhangelsky’s works)], Moskovskii khudozhnik, No. 4, 1960.
  55. “Kraski nashikh budnei” [Colours of Our Daily Life], Moskovskaya Pravda, 21 March 1960.
  56. “Chetvero raznykh” [Four of Sundry Types (about an exhibition of Lithuanian artists. – D.S.)], Literaturnaya gazeta, 19 May 1960.
  57. “Tapiba ir nudiena” [Painting and Modernity], Tiesa, 5 June 1960, Vilnius (in Lithuanian).
  58. “Repin i Ukraina” [Repin and Ukraine] (review of V. Moskvinov’s book Repin na Kharkovshchine. – D.S.), Druzhba narodov, No. 10, 1960.
  59. “Martiros Sarian, peintre du soleil”, Oeuvre et opinions, No. 9, 1960, Moscow.
  60. Russkaya zhanrovaya zhivopis [Russian Genre Painting], 1. Art Book. Introductory article and editing, Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1960.
  61. Valentin Serov, Moscow: Znanie, 1961.
  62. “Изложбанас'ветскитехудожнициСемьенА. ЧуйковиЕвгенияМалеина” [Exhibition of Soviet Artists Semyon A. Chuikov and Evgenia Maleina]. ExhibitionCatalogue. Introductoryarticle, Sofia, 1961.
  63. “Prazdnik krasok” [A Feast of Colours (about Konstantin Korovin. – D.S.)], Yunost, No. 8, 1961.
  64. “Le poete de la terre: Arcadi Plastov”,Oeuvre et opinions, No. 12, 1961, Moscow.
  65. “СлънцетонаСарьян” [The Sun over Saryan], Изкуство, 7, 1961, Sofia.
  66. “Traditsii nado berech” [Traditions Should Be Respected], Sovetskaya kultura, 5 June 1962.
  67. “Kupaniie krasnogo konia” [Bathing of a Red Horse], Tvorchestvo, No. 7, 1962.
  68. “Our Young Painters”, Soviet Literature, 9, 1962, Moscow.
  69. “Realnyie plody sinteza” [Real Fruits of Synthesis], Tvorchestvo, No. 9, 1962.
  70. “Sozdat obyektivnuiu istoriiu sovetskogo iskusstva” [To Provide an Objective History of Soviet Art], Moskovskii khudozhnik, No. 11, 1962.
  71. “Narodnyi khudozhnik” [People’s Artist (about A.E. Arkhipov)], Krestyanka, No. 8, 1962.
  72. “Tselnost talanta. K shestidesiatiletiiu S.A. Chuikova” [Integral Gift. Towards the Sixtieth Birth Anniversary of S.A. Chuikov], Sovetskaya kultura, 30 October 1962.
  73. “The World of Art”, USSR magazine, September 1963, Moscow.
  74. Istoriia russkogo i sovetskogo iskusstva [A History of Russian and Soviet Art]. Manual for Extra-mural and Part-time Students of History Faculties of State Universities, Moscow: Izdatelstvo MGU, 1963. Second edition, 1966.
  75. Surikov. Art Book. Introductory article and editing, Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1963.
  76. “V.A. Serov v vospominaniiakh N.Y. Simonovich-Efimovoi” [V.A. Serov as Recollected by N.Y. Simonovich-Efimova]. Afterword, in N.Y. Simonovich-Efimova, Vospominaniia o Valentine Serove [Memories of Valentin Serov], Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1964.
  77. “НеPaints the Modern Village”, USSR magazine, March 1964, Moscow.
  78. “Zhizneliubiie” [Love of Life (about P.P. Konchalovsky’s exhibition. – D.S.)], Krasnodarskii rabochii, 10 June 1964.
  79. “Khudozhnik iz legendy” [Legendary Artist (about P.V. Kuznetsov. – D.S.)], Po Sovetskomu Soyuzu (Vestnik APN), 5 January 1965. Reprinted by L'Unita, 13 February 1965.
  80. “Galereia zamechatelnykh obrazov” [Gallery of Remarkable Images], Vechernyaya Moskva, 16 January 1965.
  81. “Poeziia prostogo mira” [Poetry of a Simple World (about P.V. Kuznetsov)], Literaturnaya Rossiya, 29 January 1965.
  82. “Pravda i krasota” (K 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia V.A. Serova) [Truth and Beauty (Towards V.A. Serov’s Birth Centenary)], Krestyanka, No. 1, 1965.
  83. “Reformy Valentina Serova” [Reforms of Valentin Serov], Tvorchestvo, No. 1, 1965.
  84. “Le centenaire de Valentin Serov”, Oeuvre et opinions, No. 2, 1965, Moscow.
  85. “Prekrasnyi mir Saryana” [The Wonderful World of Saryan], Kultura i iskusstvo (Vestnik APN), 24 February 1965.
  86. “Severnyielegendy. Unikalnaia kollektsiia drevnei russkoi zhivopisi” [Legends of the North. A Unique Collection of Early Russian Painting], Kultura i iskusstvo (Vestnik APN), 10 March 1965.
  87. “L'exposition de Pavel Kouznezov”,Oeuvre et opinions, No. 6, 1965, Moscow.
  88. L'uomo nuovo e la "vecchia terra", L'Unita, February 1965.
  89. “Vystavka proizvedenii R.R. Falka” [Exhibition of R.R. Falk’s Works]. Catalogue. Introductory article, Yerevan, 1965.
  90. “Put khudozhnika. K 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia P.A. Fedotova” [The Road of an Artist. Towards the 150thBirth Anniversary of P.A. Fedotov], Tvorchestvo, No. 7, 1965.
  91. “Ispoved Pavla Fedotova” [Confessions of Pavel Fedotov], Kultura i iskusstvo (Vestnik APN), 9 December 1965.
  92. “Petrov-Vodkin a Pavel Kuznecov”, Vytvarne prace, 13 September 1965, Prague.
  93. “V.G. Perov i bytovoi zhanr 1860-kh godov” [V.G. Perov and Genre Art of the 1860s], in Istoriia russkogo iskusstva [History of Russian Art], vol. IX, book 1, Moscow, 1965, pp. 76-142.
  94. “I.Y. Repin”, in Istoriia russkogo iskusstva [History of Russian Art], vol. IX, book 1, Moscow, 1965, pp. 445-563.
  95. “Plener Silvestra Shchedrina” [Silvester Shchedrin’s Plein-air], Ogonyok, No. 3, 1966.
  96. “Notes on the Paintings of Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin Recently Exhibited in Moscow”, Soviet Life, 1, 1966.
  97. “Falkova tvurсi cesta”, Vytvarne umeni, No. 1, 1966, Prague.
  98. “Ainulaadne naitus”, Ohtuleht, 14 April 1966, Tallinn.
  99. Katalog vystavki kartin, risunkov i akvarelei russkikh khudozhnikov iz sobraniia Y.E. Rubinshteina [Catalogue of the exhibition of paintings, drawings and watercolours of Russian artists from the collection of Y.E. Rubinshtein]. Foreword, Tallinn, 1966.
  100. “Amedeo Modigliani”, Tvorchestvo, No. 8, 1966. Reprinted in the collection Khudozhniki XX veka[Twentieth-century Artists], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1974.
  101. “Sovremennost i klassicheskoie naslediie” [Modernity and Classical Heritage], Kultura i iskusstvo(Vestnik APN), 9 November 1966. Reprinted by Lik, No. 11, 1967, Sofia.
  102. “Tvorcheskii put Falka” [Falk’s Creative Path], in Falk. Vystavka proizvedenii [Exhibition of Works]. Catalogue, Moscow, 1966.
  103. “Zhivopis Falka” [Falk’s Paintings], Tvorchestvo, No. 2, 1967.
  104. “ВглъбенатаживописнаФалк” [Depth of Falk’s Painting], Изкуство, No. 1, 1967, Sofia.
  105. “Robert Falk Exhibition”, Soviet Literature, No. 3, 1967. Reprinted by Oeuvre et opinions, No. 5, 1967.
  106. “Sredniaia Aziia v tvorchestve Falka” [Central Asia in Falk’s Works], Zvezda Vostoka, No. 3, 1967.
  107. Obrazy veka. O russkoi zhivopisi XIX veka, eio masterakh i ikh kartinakh [Images of the Century. On Russian Painting of the 19th Century, Its Masters and Their Pictures], Moscow: Molodaya gvardiya, 1967.
  108. “Novosibirskaiakartinnaiagalereia. Zhivopis i grafika khudozhnikov pervoi treti XX veka. Iz sobraniia Y.E. Rubinshteina i T.S. Zhigalovoi” [Novosibirsk Picture Gallery. Paintings and Drawings of Artists of the First Third of the Twentieth Century. From the Collection of Y.E. Rubinshtein and T.S. Zhigalova]. Foreword to the catalogue, Novosibirsk, 1967.
  109. Biennale der Ostseeländer. DDR, Rostok. 1967 (introductory article to the Soviet section of the catalogue).
  110. “Vtoraia Biennale Baltiiskikh stran” [The Second Biennial of the Baltic Countries], Tvorchestvo, No. 12, 1967.
  111. “Revolutsioonis sundimet kunst” [The Art of the Revolutionary Decade], Noorus, No. 12, 1967, Tallinn.
  112. “L'art russe des Scythes à nos jours. Trésors des musées soviétiques. Grand Palais. Octobre 1967 – Janvier 1968. Foreword to the catalogue (jointly with M.V. Alpatov).
  113. “Chudesnyi dar” [A Wonderful Gift] (on the death of P.V. Kuznetsov. – D.S.), Moskovskii khudozhnik, 1 March 1968.
  114. Vystavka proizvedenii S.A. Chuikova [Exhibition of S.A. Chuikov’s Works]. Catalogue. Introductory article, Moscow, 1968.
  115. “Moldavskoie iskusstvo na Vsesoyuznoi vystavke” [Moldavian Art at the All-Union Exhibition],Sovetskaya Moldavia, 6 February 1968.
  116. P. Konchalovsky (introductory article to a selection of reproductions), Moscow, 1968.
  117. “Pevets Kirghizii” [Extoller of Kirghizia], Sovetskaya Kirghizia, 11 January 1968.
  118. “Issledovaniie o Levitane” (review of the monograph by A.A. Fedorov-Davydov. – D.S.), Tvorchestvo, No. 4, 1968.
  119. “Georges Rouault”, Tvorchestvo, No. 6, 1968. Reprinted in the collection Khudozhniki XX veka[Twentieth-century Artists], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1974.
  120. “Moldavian Art Today”, Soviet Literature, 8, 1968.
  121. “Russkoye iskusstvo pervoi poloviny XIX veka” [Russian Art of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century], in Children’s Encyclopaedia, 2nd edition, vol. XII, Moscow, 1968.
  122. “P.A. Fedotov”, Ibid.
  123. “M.A. Vrubel”, Ibid.
  124. “V.A. Serov”, Ibid.
  125. “Shestero iz Armenii” [The Six from Armenia], Yunost, No. 12, 1968.
  126. Introduction, in Istoriia russkogo iskusstva [A History of Russian Art], vol. X, (jointly with G.A. Nedoshivin and G.Y. Sternin), Moscow, 1968.
  127. “V.A. Serov”, Ibid. (jointly with E.B. Murina).
  128. Semyon Chuikov (introductory article in the exhibition catalogue), Delhi, 1968.
  129. “Lvovskiye khudozhniki” [Lvov Artists], Tvorchestvo, No. 12, 1968.
  130. Nikich (introductory article in the exhibition catalogue), Moscow, 1969.
  131. “The Painting of Anatoli Nikich”, Soviet Literature, No. 5, 1969.
  132. Simonovich-Efimova (introductory article to a selection of reproductions), Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1969.
  133. “Neskolsko slov o Natalii Goncharovoi” [A Few Words about Natalia Goncharova], Prometei, No. 7, 1969, Moscow.
  134. F. Platov (introductory article in the exhibition catalogue), Moscow, 1969.
  135. Pavel Fedotov, Moscow: Izobrazitelnoye iskusstvo, 1969.
  136. “Pozdnii Fedotov i nekotoryie voprosy russkogo romantizma” [Late Fedotov and Some Issues of Russian Romanticism], in Iskusstvo romanticheskoi epokhi [The Art of the Romantic Epoch], Conference Proceedings, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, 1969.
  137. Surikov. From the Image and Colour series. Issue 1. Art Book (introductory article and editing), Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1969.
  138. Surikov. From the Image and Colour series. Issue 2. Art Book (introductory article and editing), Moscow: IZOGIZ,
  139. “V.A. Serov”. Introductory article and notes, in Mastera iskusstva ob iskusstve [Masters of Art about Art], vol. VII, Moscow, 1970.
  140. Vystava ze statnich Umeleckych sbirek SSSR. Od nejstarsich veku po nase casy. Foreword to the catalogue, jointly with M.V. Alpatov, Prague, 1970.
  141. Russkaia zhivopis kontsa 1900-kh – nachala 1910-kh godov [Russian Painting of the Late 1900s – Early 1910s]. Essays, Moscow, 1971. Reprinted in Pictori rusi moderni (Biblioteca de arta series), Bucharest: Editura Meridiane, 1974. The chapter “Vostok Martirosa Saryana” [The Orient of Martiros Saryan] reprinted in O Saryane. Stranitsy khudozhestvennoi kritiki. Otzyvy sovremennikov [About Saryan. Art Criticism. Reactions by Contemporaries], Yerevan: Sovetakan groh, 1980.
  142. “Les peintres russes et l'Orient”, Oeuvre et opinions, January 1972.
  143. “Pod znakom iskanii. Zhivopis Sovetskogo Zakavkazia” [Under the Keynote of Search. Painting in the Soviet Caucasus], Iskusstvo, No. 2, 1972. Reprinted in Sovetskoye stankovoye iskusstvo [Soviet Easel Art], Moscow, 1974; Zhivopis narodov SSSR [Paintings of the Peoples of the USSR], Moscow, 1977.
  144. “Iskusstvoznanie i literaturovedenie” [Art and Literary Studies], Iskusstvo, No. 5, 1972. Reprinted in Kunstwissenschaft und Literaturwissenschaft Kunst und Literatur. Sowietwissenschaft. Heft 1, Berlin, 1973.
  145. “Mudrost zrelosti” [Mature Wisdom] (towards S.A. Chuikov’s 70th Birth Anniversary. – D.S.), Ogonyok, No. 44, 1972.
  146. “Kunstiteadusest ja Kirjandustdesest”, Kunst, No. 42/2, 1972, Tallinn.
  147. “A.A. Ivanov”, in Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3d edition, vol. X, Moscow, 1972.
  148. “P.V. Kuznetsov”, in Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3d edition, vol. XIII, Moscow, 1973.
  149. A. Fedotov i russkaia khudozhestvennaia kultura 40-kh godov XIX veka [P.A. Fedotov and Russian Art Culture of the 1840s], Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1973.
  150. “Mir Morandi” [Morandi’s World], Tvorchestvo, No. 10, 1973.
  151. Russkiie zhivopistsy nachala XX veka. Novyie napravleniia [Russian Painters of the Early Twentieth Century. New Trends], Leningrad: Aurora, 1973.
  152. “Russkaia realisticheskaia zhivopis vtoroi poloviny XIX veka sredi evropeiskikh shkol” [Russian Realistic Painting of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century amid European Schools], Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta., IX series, History, No. 1, 1974.
  153. Aleksei Vasilievich Babichev – khudozhnik, teoretik, pedagog [Alexei Vasilievich Babichev as Artist, Theoretician and Educator], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1974.
  154. A. Serov. Art Book (introductory article and editing), Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1974.
  155. “O natsionalnykh osobennostiakh romantizma v russkoi zhivopisi nachala XIX veka” [On the National Specifics of Romanticism in Russian Painting of the Early Nineteenth Century], in Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie[Soviet Art Studies]. 73. Moscow, 1974.
  156. Pigarev, Russkaya literatura i izobrazitelnoie iskusstvo [Russian Literature and Pictorial Art]. Review, Moscow, 1972, in Proceedings of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Literature and Language series, Nos. 1-2, 1974.
  157. “Otkrytaya kniga iskusstva” [The Open Book of Art] (about M.V. Alpatov’s book. – D.S.), Sovetskaya kultura, 1 October 1974.
  158. Robert Falk. Mit einer Dokumentation, Briefen, Gesprächen, Lektionen des Künstlers und einem biographischen Übersicht, herausgegeden von A. W. Stschekin-Krotowa. Dresden: VEB Verlag der Kunst, 1974.
  159. “Russkoye iskusstvo XVIII veka i Zapad” [Russian Art of the Eighteenth Century and the West], Proceedings of the 1973 Conference on “Art Culture of the Eighteenth Century”, Moscow, 1974.
  160. E. Borisov-Musatov i khudozhniki gruppy “Nabi” [V.E. Borisov-Musatov and Artists of Les Nabis Group], in State Tretyakov Gallery. Voprosy russkogo i sovetskogo iskusstva [Problems of Russian and Soviet Art]. Issue III, Moscow, 1974.
  161. “K probleme sravnitelnogo izucheniia russkoi i zapadnoevropeiskoi zhivopisi” [On the Problem of the Comparative Study of Russian and West European Painting], Iskusstvo, 7, 1975.
  162. Pavel Kuznetsov, (Ed. jointly with L.A. Budkova, introductory article), Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1975.
  163. “V.G. Perov”, in Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 3dedition, vol. 19, Moscow, 1975.
  164. Semyon Chuikov. Second revised edition, Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1976.
  165. “Surikov i evropeiskaia istoricheskaia kartina” [Surikov and European Historical Painting], Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie. 75, Moscow, 1976.
  166. “Zur Ausstellung” (introductory article in the catalogue), in Russische Malerei 1830-1917. Bilder aus Museen der UdSSR. Städtisches Kunstinstitut und Städtische Galerie. Frankfurt am Main, 1 October 1976 to 9 January 1977.
  167. “A. Serov”, in Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 3dedition, vol. 23, Moscow, 1976.
  168. La peinture russe a l'epoque romantique. Preface to the catalogue. Galeries Nationales de Grand Palais, Paris, 1976-1977.
  169. Russian and Soviet Painting (introductory article in the catalogue of the exhibition under the same name). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1977.
  170. “Peredvizhniki i ikh predshestvenniki” [The Wanderers and Their Predecessors], in Peredvizhniki [The Wanderers], Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1977.
  171. Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga. 1751 – 1832. Zhizn i tvorchestvo. Sochineniia [Pietro di Gottardo Gonzaga. 1751 – 1832. Life and Work. Productions]. Review. A monographic study and preface by F.Y. Syrkina, in Sovetskiie khudozhniki teatra i kino [Soviet Stage and Cinema Designers], 1975, Moscow, 1977.
  172. “Pered zerkalom vremeni. Zametki o russkom avtoportrete” [Before the Mirror of Time. Notes on the Russian Self-Portrait], Znanie sila, No. 7, 1977.
  173. “P.A. Fedotov”, in Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 3dedition, vol. 27, Moscow, 1977.
  174. Natalia Egorshina. Nikolai Andronov. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory articles), Moscow, 1978.
  175. “K kontseptsii russkogo avtoportreta” [On the Concept of the Russian Self-Portrait], Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie. 77.1, Moscow, 1978.
  176. “DavidShterenberg”, Tvorchestvo, No. 7, 1978.
  177. Pavel Kuznetsov. 1878-1968. Towards Birth Centenary. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1978.
  178. From the Image and Colour series, Moscow: IZOGIZ, 1978.
  179. “Repin i russkaia zhivopis vtoroi poloviny XIX veka” [Repin and Russian Painting of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century], in Iz istorii russkogo iskusstva vtoroi poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka [From the History of Russian Art of the Second Half of the Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries], Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1978.
  180. “Nineteenth Century Russian Culture: Art”, Review of the Arts, vol. 2, No. 3, 1978-9, Minneapolis.
  181. “Ob ocherkakh i issledovaniiakh V.N. Petrova i ob ikh avtore” [On V.N. Petrov’s Essays and Studies and Their Author], in V.N. Petrov. Ocherki i issledovaniia [V.N. Petrov. Essays and Studies], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1978.
  182. “S.A. Chuikov”, in Great Soviet Encyclopaedia, 3dedition, vol. 29, Moscow, 1978.
  183. “Pavel Kuznetsov i traditsii russkoi zhivopisi” [Pavel Kuznetsov and Russian Painting Traditions], Iskusstvo, No. 3, 1979.
  184. “L'art russe et sovietique. 1900-1930”, inParis-Moscou. Catalogue de l'Exposition, Paris, 1979.
  185. “Mikhail Vladimirovich Alpatov. Nabrosok k portretu” [Mikhail Vladimirovich Alpatov. A Sketch for a Portrait], in M.V. Alpatov. Etudy po vseobshchei istorii iskusstva [M.V. Alpatov. Studies in the World History of Art], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1979.
  186. “Nikolai Andronov”, in Sovetskaya zhivopis – 76/77, Moscow, 1979.
  187. Natalia Egorshina. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1979.
  188. Robert Falk. Risunki, akvareli, guashi [Robert Falk. Drawings, Watercolours, Gouaches]. The State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1979.
  189. “Talent und Fleiss. Die Kunst der Natalja Gontscharowa”, in Künstlerinnen der russischen Avantgarde. Galerie Gmurzynska, Köln, 1979.
  190. “K opredeleniiu stilia modern” [On the Definition of Art Nouveau], in Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie '78/2, Moscow, 1979.
  191. “Russkoie iskusstvo pervoi poloviny XIX veka” [Russian Art of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century], in Istoriia russkogo i sovetskogo iskusstva [A History of Russian and Soviet Art]. Study guide, Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1979, pp. 144-199.
  192. Risunok i akvarel russkikh i sovetskikh khudozhnikov XIX – pervoi treti XX veka iz sobraniia S.Y. Feldshteina (g. Moskva) [Drawings and Watercolours of Russian and Soviet Artists of the Nineteenth – First Third of the Twentieth Century from S.Y. Feldshtein’s Collection (Moscow). Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Cheboksary, 1979.
  193. “Mir glazami Venetsianova” [The World as Seen by Venetsianov], Iskusstvo, No. 2, 1980.
  194. “C'est ici que j'ai vu le soleil ... ”,Les Nouvelles de Moscou, 2 March 1980.
  195. “I traditsii, i novatorstvo” [Both Traditions and Innovation] (about M.V. Elkonina’s paintings. – D.S.), Moskovskii khudozhnik, 6 June 1980.
  196. “R.R. Falk”, in Vystavka odnogo portreta [One Portrait Exhibition], Perm, 1980.
  197. Russkaia zhivopis XIX veka sredi evropeiskikh shkol. Opyt sravnitelnogo issledovaniia [Russian Painting of the Nineteenth Century amid European Schools. Attempt at Comparative Analysis], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1980.
  198. “The Painting of Lyubov Popova”, The Avant-Garde in Russia. 1910-1930: New Perspectives, Los Angeles, 1980.
  199. “Khudozhnik i stil” [The Artist and Style], in VNIITE (All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Industrial Design). Problemy formalizatsii sredstv khudozhestvennoi vyrazitelnosti. Stil, firmennyi stil, stailing, moda[Problems of Formalizing the Means of Artistic Expression. Style, Trademark, Styling, Fashion], Moscow, 1980.
  200. “Noveishiie techeniia v russkoi zhivopisi predrevoliutsionnogo desiatiletiia. Rossiia i Zapad” [Latest Trends in Russian Painting of the Pre-revolutionary Decade. Russia and the West], Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie. 80/1, Moscow, 1981.
  201. “Novatorstvokhudozhnika. K 150-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia N.N. Ge” [The Pioneering Work of the Artist. Towards the 150th Birth Anniversary of N.N. Ge], Tvorchestvo, No. 7, 1981.
  202. “Khudozhnik i stil” [The Artist and Style], Tekhnicheskaya estetika, No. 8, 1981.
  203. “Der Raum der Malerei und des Design”,Von der Malerei zum Design. Ausstellung. Oktober – Dezember 1981, Galerie Gmurzynska, Kö
  204. “Russkoye i sovetskoye iskusstvo 1900-1930” [Russian and Soviet Art 1900-1930], in Moscow – Paris(Exhibition Catalogue), Moscow, 1981. Reprinted in “Ruske a sovetske umeni 1900-1930”, Vytvarna kultura, 2, 1982.
  205. Kollektsiia Arama Abramyana. V dar Sovetskoi Armenii [Aram Abramyan Collection. A Gift to Soviet Armenia] (introductory article), Yerevan, 1981.
  206. “Tvorcheskii put Semyona Chuikova” [Semyon Chuikov’s Path of Creativity], in Pevets kirghizskogo naroda [Extoller of the Kirghiz People], Frunze, 1981.
  207. Vrubel. Art Book (introductory article and editing), Moscow: Izobrazitelnoie iskusstvo, 1981. Reprinted in Dmitrij Sarabjanov. Wrubel, Warszawa: Krajowa Agencia Wydawnicza, 1983.
  208. “Die Russische Malerei und Graphik der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts”, inRussische Malerei der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden. Niedersächsisches Landesmusem Hannover. 1881-1882.
  209. “Natalia Egorschina und Nikolai Andronow”, inNikolai Andronow, Natalia Egorschina. Gemälde, Stadt Aachen. Neue Galerie – Sammlung Ludwig, 1982.
  210. “K voprosu o simvolizme v russkoi zhivopisi kontsa XIX – nachala XX veka” [On Symbolism in Russian Painting of the Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries],Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. Series 8. History, No. 3, 1982.
  211. L. Kochik. Zhivopisnaia Sistema V.E. Borisova-Musatova [V.E. Borisov-Musatov’s System of Painting]. Review, Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie, 1981 (1), Moscow, 1982.
  212. Orest Adamovich Kiprensky, Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1982.
  213. Valentin Serov. Zhivopis. Grafika. Teatralno-dekoratsionnoie iskusstvo [Valentin Serov. Paintings. Graphic Works. Stage Design] (introductory article, editing jointly with G.S. Arbuzov), Leningrad: Aurora, 1982.
  214. Nikolai Andronov. Monumentalnoie iskusstvo. Art Book (introductory article, editing), Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1982.
  215. Niko Pirosmanashvili sredi russkikh khudozhnikov na vystavke “Mishen” [Niko Pirosmanashvili among Russian Artists at the “Target” Exhibition], Tbilisi, 1983.
  216. “Vystavka Larionova” [Larionov’s Exhibition], in Sovetskaya zhivopis-5, Moscow, 1982.
  217. Viktor Petrovich Kiselev. Zhivopis. Teatralno-dekoratsionnoie iskusstvo [Viktor Petrovich Kiselev. Paintings. Stage Design]. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1983.
  218. “Die modernen Strömungen in der russischen Malerei des vorrevolutionären Jahrzehnts. Russland und der Westen”, inSieg über die Sonne. Aspekte russischer Kunst zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts. Schrinreihe der Akademie der Kü Band 15, Berlin, 1883.
  219. Alexander Tyshler. 1898-1980. Grafika. Skulptura. Teatr. K 85-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia [Alexander Tyshler. 1898-1980. Paintings. Graphic Works. Sculpture. Stage Design. Towards the 85th Birth Anniversary]. Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1983. Reprinted with some revisions in Alexander Tyshler i mir ego fantazii [Alexander Tyshler and His Fantasy World], Moscow, 1998.
  220. “Posledniaia rabota V.N. Prokofieva” [The Last Work of V.N. Prokofiev], Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie‘82/2, Moscow, 1984.
  221. “Perspektivnoie nachinaniie” [Promising Beginning]. Review, Iskusstvo, No. 5, 1984.
  222. “Tatlin festeszete”, in Je. Tatlin, Budapest: Corvin Kiado, 1984. Second edition (in German): Die Malerei Tatlins. Gemeinschaftsausgabe des VEB Verlag der Kunst, Dresden mit dem Kunstverlag Weingarten GmbH, Weingarten und Corvina Kiado, Budapest, 1987.
  223. “Moskauer Maler. 1910-1930”, in Sieben Moskauer Künstler. 1910-1930. Ausstellung, Galerie Gmurzynska, Köln, 1984.
  224. “Y. Sternin – issledovatel russkoi khudozhestvennoi kultury”[G.Y. Sternin, Explorer of Russian Art Culture] (preface), in G.Y. Sternin, Russkaia khudozhestvennaia kultura vtoroi poloviny XIX – nachala XX veka[Russian Art Culture of the Second Half of the Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries], Moscow, 1984.
  225. “Frontovik-iskusstvoved (k 80-letiiu R.S. Kaufmana) [War Veteran Art Expert (towards the 80th birth anniversary of R.S. Kaufman)], Moskovskii khudozhnik, 12 April 1985.
  226. Pavel Andreevich Fedotov, Leningrad: Khudozhnik RSFSR, 1985.
  227. “G. Yakulov i traditsii iskusstva Vostoka” [G. Yakulov and Traditions of Oriental Art], The Fourth International Symposium on Armenian Art. Abstracts, Yerevan, 1985.
  228. Zametki ob avtoportrete [Notes on the Self-Portrait], Iskusstvo, No. 7, 1986.
  229. “Niko Pirosmanashvili i russkiie khudozhniki” [Niko Pirosmanashvili and Russian Artists], in Niko Pirosmanashvili. 1862-1918. Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1986.
  230. “Dva dara” [Two Gifts], Tvorchestvo, No. 10, 1986.
  231. “R.R. Falk. K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia khudozhnika” [R.R. Falk. Towards the Artist’s Birth Centenary], Iskusstvo, No. 10, 1986.
  232. “Udivitelnyi mir Filonova” [The Extraordinary World of Filonov], Ogonyok, No. 50, 1986.
  233. “Ob avtoportretakh Zinaidy Serebryakovoi” [On Zinaida Serebryakova’s Self-Portraits], in Serebryakova. Collection of Papers and Catalogue of the Exposition towards the Artist’s Birth Centenary, Moscow, 1986.
  234. “K chitateliam” [To the Readers] (afterword to the book. – D.S.), in Oleg Semenov, Ivan Bilibin, Moscow: Detskaya literatura, 1986.
  235. “Svidetel i uchastnik” [Witness and Participant] (preface to the book. – D.S.), in V.I. Kostin, Sredi khudozhnikov [Amidst Artists], Moscow, 1986. Reprinted in Kostinskiie chteniia. Naiedine s sovestiiu [Kostin Conference. Alone with One’s Conscience], Moscow, 2002.
  236. “Niko Pirosmanashvili and Russian Artists”, in Sabchota helovnebe (Soviet Art), No. 3, 1987 (in Georgian).
  237. “Uskolzaiushchii lik Shagala” [Chagall’s Elusive Image], Tvorchestvo, No. 6, 1987. Reprinted in Mark Shagal. K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia. Zhivopis i grafika iz frantsuzskikh i sovetskikh muzeiev i lichnykh kollektsii [Marc Chagall. Towards the Artist’s Birth Centenary. Paintings and Graphic Works from French and Soviet Museums and Private Collections]. Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1987; Vozvrashcheniie mastera [Chagall. The Master Returns], Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1988; Marc Chagall, Moscow: Izobrazitelnoie iskusstvo, 1992; Marc Chagall. 1908-1985. Saggi Sylvie Forestier, Nicoletta Misler, Dmitry Sarabjanov, Lionello Venturi, Milan: Artificio, 1992.
  238. “Zhivopis Vladimira Tatlina. Vsled iubileiu” [Vladimir Tatlin’s Painting. Following the Artist’s Centenary],Iskusstvo, No. 8, 1987.
  239. Aristarkh Lentulov. 1882-1948. Zhivopis / grafika / teatr [Aristarkh Lentulov. 1882-1948. Paintings / Graphic Works / Stage Design]. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1987.
  240. Valentin Serov. Art Book (editing and introductory article), Leningrad: Aurora, 1987. Put out by the same publisher in English, French and German. Second edition, Moscow, 1996.
  241. Novoie iskusstvo – novyi byt. 1917-1927. Zhivopis. Grafika [New Art – New Life. 1917-1927. Paintings. Graphic Works], Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1987.
  242. “Vsyo v toi zhe pozitsii. Polemicheskiie zametki ob Akademii khudozhestv SSSR” [In the Same Position. Polemic Remarks about the USSR Academy of Arts], Literaturnaya gazeta, 2 December 1987.
  243. “Georgy Yakulov i traditsii iskusstva Vostoka” [Georgy Yakulov and Traditions of Oriental Art], Sovetskaya zhivopis. 9, Moscow, 1987.
  244. Khudozhniki “Bubnovogo valeta” [“The Knave of Diamonds” Artists] (review of G.G. Pospelov’s monograph published in German in East Germany. – D.S.), Iskusstvo, No. 12, 1987.
  245. “Russkaia zhivopis na teatralnoi stsene” “Russian Painting on Theatre Stage], in Russkoie teatralno-dekoratsionnoie iskusstvo. 1880-1930 [Russian Stage Design. 1880-1930]. Catalogue of the Exhibition from the Nikita and Nina Lobanov-Rostovsky Collection, Moscow. 1988.
  246. “Sobranie russkoi zhivopisi. XX vek. Tri pervykh desiatiletiia” [A Collection of Russian Paintings. Twentieth Century. Three First Decades], Ogonyok, No. 9, 1988.
  247. “M.A. Vrubel”, Ibid.
  248. “V.A. Serov”, Ogonyok, No. 13, 1988.
  249. “M.F. Larionov, N.S. Goncharova”, Ogonyok, No. 17, 1988.
  250. “I.I. Mashkov, P.P. Konchalovsky”, Ogonyok, No. 45, 1988.
  251. “W.W. Kandinsky”, Ogonyok, No. 49, 1988.
  252. “Vysokiie vzlyoty Aristarkha Lentulova” [Great Heights of Aristarkh Lentulov], Iskusstvo, No. 5, 1988.
  253. “Zagadki Veisberga” [Veisberg’s Riddles], Tvorchestvo, No. 6, 1988.
  254. Kuznetsov. Izbrannye proizvedeniia [P. Kuznetsov. Selected Works]. Art Book (editing and introductory article), Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 1988.
  255. “Eduard Schteinberg”, inEdik Schteinberg. Peintures (catalogue, introductory article). Galerie Claude Bernard. Paris, 1988.
  256. “Na trudnom puti k khudozhestvennomu pliuralizmu” [On the Hard Road to Pluralism in Art], Sovetskaya kultura, 10 November 1988.
  257. Alexei Venetsianov, Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988.
  258. “K.S. Malevich i iskusstvo pervoi treti XX veka” [K.S. Malevich and Art of the First Third of the Twentieth Century], in Kazimir Malevich. Exhibition Catalogue, Leningrad, Moscow, Amsterdam, 1988. Reprinted (with revisions) in Iskusstvo, No. 11, 1988.
  259. “Vystavka poddelok” [Exhibition of Fakes] (jointly with E. Kovtun and G. Pospelov), Sovetskaya kultura, 18 June 1988.
  260. “Andrei Petrovich Ryabushkin”, Ogonyok, No. 5, 1989.
  261. “Lyubov Sergeyevna Popova”, Ogonyok, No. 9, 1989.
  262. “Martiros Sergeyevich Saryan”, Ogonyok, No. 21, 1989.
  263. “Vladimir Evgrafovich Tatlin”, Ogonyok, No. 29, 1989.
  264. “Alexander Vasilievich Shevchenko”, Ogonyok, No. 37, 1989.
  265. “V.F. Stepanova, A.M. Rodchenko”, Ogonyok, No. 45, 1989.
  266. “Gli anni migliori della pittura Russa”, Avanguardia Russa. Dalle collezioni private Sovietiche. Origini e percorso 1904-1934 (exhibition catalogue, introductory article). Milan, 1989.
  267. “Vstrecha s Shagalom” [A Meeting with Chagall] (review of A.A. Kamensky’s monograph published in Paris. – D.S.), Sovetskaya kultura, 18 May 1989.
  268. “O Kandinskom” [About Kandinsky] (introductory article), in W. Kandinsky. 1866-1944. Exhibition Catalogue. Paintings, Graphic Works, Applied Art. Leningrad, 1989.
  269. “Obretaia garmoniiu. K 100-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia L.S. Popovoi” [Discovering Harmony. Towards L.S. Popova’s Birth Centenary], Iskusstvo, No. 5, 1989.
  270. “Vvedeniie, razdel III (Russkoie iskusstvo pervoi poloviny XIX veka), Zakliucheniie” [Introduction, Section III (Russian Art of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century), Conclusion], in Istoriia russkogo i sovetskogo iskusstva [A History of Russian and Soviet Art]. Study guide. Second revised edition, Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 1989, pp. 5-9, 165-223, 430-431.
  271. “Prodolzheniie sleduet?” [To Be Continued?] (review of G.Y. Sternin’s Khudozhestvennaia zhizn Rossii 1900-1910-kh godov [Russian Art Life in the 1900s-1910s]. – D.S.), Tvorchestvo, No. 5, 1989.
  272. “Effekt Kandinskogo” [Kandinsky Effect], Pravda, 4 July 1989.
  273. “Wassily Kandinsky – Künstler und Bürger Europas”, in Wassily Kandinsky. Die erste Sovjetische Retrospektive. Shirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt, 1989.
  274. “Iskusstvoznanie: osnovnyie napravleniia issledovatelskikh razrabotok” [Art Studies: Research Guidelines], Vestnik Akademii nauk SSSR, No. 8, 1989.
  275. “K svoieobraziiu zhivopisi russkogo avangarda nachala XX veka” [On the Specifics of Russian Avant-garde Painting of the Early Twentieth Century], Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie. 25, Moscow, 1989.
  276. “Otdavat dolgi legche vsego pamiatnikami / Memorial zhertvam stalinskikh repressii” [It Is Easiest to Repay Debts with Monuments / Memorial to Victims of Stalin’s Purges], Dekorativnoye iskusstvo, No. 8, 1989.
  277. “Pamiati uchenitsy i kollegi” [In Memory of Disciple and Colleague], in I.S. Bolotina. Problemy russkogo i sovetskogo naturmorta [Problems of Russian and Soviet Still Lifes], Moscow, 1989.
  278. Istoriia russkogo iskusstva vtoroi poloviny XIX veka [A History of Russian Art of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century]. Lecture course, Moscow: Izdatelstvo MGU, 1989.
  279. Stil modern. Istoki. Istoriia. Problemy [Art Nouveau. Sources. History. Problems], Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1989.
  280. “Izobrazitelnoie iskusstvo. Zhivopis, grafika, stsenografia” [Fine Arts. Painting, Graphic Works, Scenography], in Muzei russkogo iskusstva. Kollektsiia professora A.Y. Abramyana [Museum of Russian Art. Prof. A.Y. Abramyan Collection], Yerevan, 1989.
  281. “Siuzhety i motivy zhivopisi miriskusnikov: ikonograficheskiie zametki” [Themes and Motifs of “World of Art” Paintings: Iconographic Notes], in Sergei Diaghilev i khudozhestvennaia kultura XIX – XX veka [Sergei Diaghilev and Art Culture of the Nineteenth – Twentieth Centuries]. Early Diaghilev Conference Papers, Perm. 1989.
  282. “Lioubov Popova” (jointly with N.L. Adaskina), Paris: Philippe Sers, 1989. Reprinted in N.Y., 1990.
  283. “Streben nach Harmonie. Zum 100. Geburtstag von Ljubow Popowa ”, Bildende Kunst, No. 5, 1990, Berlin.
  284. “Zhivopisnyie meditatsii Rozanny Forino” [Rosanna Forino’s Painterly Meditations], in Rosanna Forino. Exhibition Catalogue, Milan: Electa, 1990.
  285. Krepostnyie i zabytyie zhivopistsy Prikamyia [Serf and Forgotten Painters of the Kama Region]. Exhibition Catalogue (preface), Moscow, 1990.
  286. Russian Art. From Neoclassicism to the Avant-Garde. Painting, Sculpture, Architecture. London: Thames and Hudson, 1990. Reprinted in Paris: Albin Michel, 1990.
  287. “Stankovaia zhivopis i grafika L.S. Popovoi” [L.S. Popova’s Easel Paintings and Graphic Works], in S. Popova. 1889-1924. Catalogue. Exhibition of Works towards the Artist’s Birth Centenary, State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, 1990.
  288. “Kazimir Malevich and His Art. 1900-1930”, in Kazimir Malevich. 1878-1935, Washington, Los Angeles, New York, 1990-1991.
  289. “The Rise and Fall of the Wanderers”, The Wanderers: Masters of 19th-Century Russian Painting. An Exhibition from the Soviet Union. Texas Press, 1990.
  290. “Malevich at the Time of the ‘Great Break’”, in Malevich: Artist and Theoretician, Moscow, Paris: Flammarion, 1990.
  291. “Eksperimenty s detmi i eksperimenty detei” [Experiments with Children and Children’s Experiments], Arkhitektura i stroitelstvo Rossii, No. 12, 1990.
  292. Preface to The Twilight of the Tsars. Russian Art at the Turn of the Century. Hayward Gallery. London, 1991.
  293. “Kakiie imena!...” [What Names!...], Ogonyok, No. 13, 1991.
  294. “On sokhranil Rossii Rubleva” [He Has Preserved Rublev for Russia] (D.V. Sarabianov Talks about I.E. Grabar), Trud, 22 March 1991.
  295. “Malevich v epokhu ‘velikogo pereloma’” [Malevich at the Time of the ‘Great Break’], in Malevich: Artist and Theoretician, Moscow, 1991.
  296. Preface to the publication of an extract from Swans of Other Worlds: Kazimir Malevich and the Origins of Abstraction in Russia by Charlotte Douglas, Sovetskoye iskusstvoznanie. 27, Moscow, 1989. 
  297. “Los mejores años de pintura rusa”, in Vanguardismo ruso de colecciones privadas. 1900-1935. Exhibition Catalogue, Valencia, 1991.
  298. “Simvolizm v Rossii” [Symbolism in Russia] (E.A. Zinger talks with V.A. Dudakov and D.V. Sarabianov), Tvorchestvo, No. 5, 1991.
  299. “Fauvismus – Expressionismus – Neoprimitivismus”, in Westkunst Absonderung oder Integration? Exhibition Catalogue, München, 1991.
  300. Russkoie i sovetskoie iskusstvo v sobranii I.Y. Luchkovskogo (Kharkov) [Russian and Soviet Art in I.Y. Luchkovsky Collection]. Exhibition Catalogue (preface), Kaliningrad, 1991.
  301. “Simbolismo nella pittura russa”, in II Simbolismo russo. Sergej Djagilev e l'Eta d'argento nell'arte. Exhibition Catalogue, Milan, 1992.
  302. Valery Yurlov. Exhibition Catalogue (introductory article), Moscow, 1992.
  303. “Ia liubliu avangard 1910-kh godov [“I Love the 1910s Avant-garde”] (Talking to Dmitry Sarabianov), Nezavisimaya gazeta, 16 May 1992.
  304. “Tvorchestvo V.V. Kandinskogo v kontekste nauchnoi i filosofskoi mysli” [W.W. Kandinsky’s Work in the Context of Scholarly and Philosophical Thought], in Russkii avangard v krugu evropeiskoi kultury [The Russian Avant-garde within European Culture]. Theses and Papers, Moscow, 1993.
  305. “Trudnoie vremia Roberta Falka. Vozvrashcheniie khudozhnika” [Hard Times of Robert Falk. The Artist Returns], Nezavisimaya gazeta, 26 February 1993.
  306. “Bolshoi mir v malom prostranstve. Khudozhnik Lev Zhegin” [A Big World in a Small Space. Artist Lev Zhegin], Nezavisimaya gazeta, 18 March 1993.
  307. Kazimir Malevich. Zhivopis. Teoriia [Kazimir Malevich. Paintings. Theory] (jointly with A. Shatskikh), Moscow: Iskusstvo, 1993.
  308. “Russkii avangard pered litsom religiozno-filosofskoi mysli” [The Russian Avant-garde Face to Face with Religious and Philosophical Thought], Voprosy iskusstvoznania, No. 1, 1993. Reprinted from Iskusstvo avangarda: iazyk mirovogo obshcheniia [Avant-garde Art: World Communication Language]. Papers of the International Conference of 10-11 December 1992, Ufa, 1993.
  309. “Vremia rastsveta Rudolfa Khachatryana” [The Heyday of Rudolf Khachatryan], in R. Khachatryan. Metamorfozy [Metamorphoses], Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1993.
  310. “The Undiscovered World of Grigoryj Perchenkov”, in Grigoryj Perchenkov. Paintings. Catalogue, Vilnius, 1993.
  311. S. Likhachev. Russkoie iskusstvo. Ot drevnosti do avangarda [Russian Art. From Early Days to the Avant-garde] Review. Vestnik Rossiiskoi Akademii nauk, No. 10, 1993.
  312. “Pamiatniki kultury – riadom s nami” [Monuments of Culture Next to Us], Novy mir, No. 12, 1993.
  313. “Tatlins Malerei der Jahre 1908-1913 im Kontekst der russischen Avangarde”, in Tatlin, Leben, Werk, Wirkung, Köln, 1993.
  314. Istoriia russkogo iskusstva kontsa XIX – nachala XX veka [A History of Russian Art of the Late Nineteenth – Early Twentieth Centuries], Study guide, Moscow: Izdatelstvo MGU, 1993.
  315. Wassily Kandinsky. Put khudozhnika. Khudozhnik i vremia [Wassily Kandinsky. The Artist’s Way. The Artist and Time] (jointly with N.B. Avtonomova), Moscow: Galart, 1994 (New Gallery series).
  316. “Aristarch Lentulov”, in Europa, Europa. Das Jahrhundert der Avantgarde in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Band 1, Bonn, 1994.
  317. Vasilij Kandinskij. Ibid.
  318. “Na kostre sobstvennogo vdokhnoveniia” [Fired by One’s Own Inspiration], Nashe nasledie, No. 31, 1994.
  319. “Vstrecha na perekriostke” [Meeting at a Crossroads], in Lyubov Popova, Alexander Konstantinov. Priamaia i obratnaia perspektiva russkogo minimalizma [Single Point and Inverted Perspective of Russian Minimalism]. Exhibition Catalogue. State Tsaritsyno Museum – Palais Lichtenstein, Moscow, 1994.
  320. “Stil i individualnost v russkoi zhivopisi nachala XX veka” [Style and Individuality in Early Twentieth-Century Russian Painting], Voprosy iskusstvoznania, Nos. 2-3, 1994.
  321. “Kandinsky i russkii simvolizm” [Kandinsky and Russian Symbolism], Soobshcheniia RAN [Russian Academy of Sciences Reports]. Literature and Language series, vol. 53, No. 4, 1994.
  322. Lyubov Popova, Moscow: Galart, New Gallery series, 1994.
  323. “Vystavka sokrovishch René Guerra i eio geroi” [Exhibition of René Guerra’s Treasures and Its Heroes], in Oni unesli s soboi Rossiiu… Russkie khudozhniki-emigranty vo Frantsii. 1920-e – 1970-e. Iz sobraniia René Guerra [They Took Russia Along with Them… Russian Émigré Artists in France. The 1920s – 1970s. From the René Guerra Collection]. Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1995.
  324. “Varvara Bubnova v ‘Soyuze molodyozhi’ i INKHUK’e” [Varvara Bubnova in the “Union of the Youth” and INKHUK], in 1886-1983. Ot russkoi revolutsii k iaponskomu modernizmu... [Bubnova. 1886-1983. From Russian Revolution to Japanese Modernism...]. Exhibition Catalogue, Tokyo, 1995.
  325. “Umeiushchii videt” [Capable of Seeing], in Yuri Kuper. Grafika [Yuri Kuper. Graphic Works]. Exhibition Catalogue, Turin: Editioni d'Arte Fratelli Pozzo, 1995.
  326. /On M.N. Yablonskaya/, in Krug khudozhnikov [Circle of Artists]. Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1995.
  327. “Nekotorye metodologicheskiie voprosy iskusstvoznania v situatsii istoricheskogo rubezha” [Some Methodological Problems of Art Studies in the Situation of a Historical Milestone], Voprosy iskusstvoznania, Nos. 1-2, 1995.
  328. “Odin na odin s mirom” [Face to Face with the World], in I. Yakovlev. Zhivopis. Grafika [V.I. Yakovlev. Paintings. Graphic Works]. Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1995.
  329. “Otkrytiie khudozhnika (vvedeniie v problemu)” [Discovery of an Artist (introduction to a problem)] (on E.P. Levina-Rozengolts’s works. – D.S.), Independent Academy of Aesthetics and Liberal Arts. Academy Notebooks, No. 3, Moscow, 1995.
  330. “An der Spitze der internationalen Avantgarde. Russische und deutsche Kunst von 1910 bis in die zwanziger Jahre”, in Berlin Moskau 1900-1950 (Exhibition Catalogue). München: Prestel, 1995. Russian edition: “Russkii i nemetskii avangard 1910-1920-kh godov vo glave mezhdunarodnogo avangardnogo dvizheniia” [The Russian and German Avant-garde of the 1910s - 1920s at the Head of the International Avant-garde Movement], in Moscow – Berlin 1900-1950, Munich: Prestel; New York; Moscow: Galart, 1996.
  331. “George Costakis and the Rebirth of the Russian Avant-garde”, in Russian Avant-garde 1910-1930. The G. Costakis Collection, 1995.
  332. “Artisti Russi in Italia nel XIX secolo”, in I Russi e l'Itali. A cura di Vittorio Strada. Milan, 1995.
  333. “Van Barok tot Realisme”, in Het kabinet van de Tsaar. Russische profane Schilderkunst. Van Barok tot Realisme. Exhibition Catalogue, Snoeck – Ducaju & Zoon, 1996.
  334. “Mikhail Larionov i khudozhestvennoie ob’edineniie ‘Makovets’” [Mikhail Larionov and “Makovets” Art Association], Voprosy iskusstvoznania, VIII (1/96), Moscow, 1996.
  335. “O natsionalnykh osobennostiakh russkogo zhivopisnogo avangarda 1910-kh godov. Avangard i traditsiia” [On the National Specifics of Russian Avant-garde Painting of the 1910s. The Avant-garde and Tradition], in Iskusstvo XX veka. Voprosy otechestvennogo i zarubezhnogo iskusstva [Twentieth-Century Art. Problems of Art at Home and Abroad]. Issue 5, Saint Petersburg, 1996.
  336. “Russkaia skulptura na rubezhe vekov” [Russian Sculpture at the Turn of the Century], Iskusstvo, No. 8, August 1996.
  337. “Lichnost i individualnost v russkoi portretnoi zhivopisi” [Personality and Individuality in Russian Portraiture], in Russkoie podvizhnichestvo [Russian Self-sacrifice] (towards D.S. Likhachev’s 90th birth anniversary. – D.S.), Moscow, 1996.
  338. Variants or Fakes?, ARTnews, January 1997.
  339. “Mnogomernyi mir Rudolfa Khachatryana” [Multidimensional World of Rudolf Khachatryan], in Rudolf Khachatryan. Mnogomernyi ob’ekt [Rudolf Khachatryan. Multidimensional Objects]. Exhibition Catalogue. Moscow, 1997.
  340. “Wassily Kandinsky v russkom kontekste. Fragmenty” [Wassily Kandinsky in the Russian Context. Fragments], Voprosy iskusstvoznania, X. 1/97, Moscow, 1997.
  341. “Eshchio neskolko slov o Favorskom” [A Few More Words about Favorsky], in Albom graviur V. Favorskogo [A Book of V. Favorsky’s Engravings], Moscow: Na Solyanke Gallery publication, 1997. Reprinted by Russkaya kollektsiya, Nos. 3-4, 1997.
  342. “The Quest and Revelation of Valery Yurlov”, in Valery Yurlov. Abstracts. The Tabakman Museum of Contemporary Russian Art, June 1997.
  343. “Russkoie iskusstvo v poiskakh svoiei sushchnosti” [Russian Art in Search of Its Essence], in Russkoie iskusstvo mezhdu Zapadom i Vostokom [Russian Art between East and West]. Moscow September 1994 Conference Papers, Moscow, 1997.
  344. Prefaсes, Experiment/Эксперимент, vol. 3, Los Angeles, 1997.
  345. “Predmet, materiia i prostranstvo v tvorchestve Krasulina” [Object, Matter and Space in Krasulin’s Works], Iskusstvo, 1996/1997, Moscow, 1997. Reprinted in Andrei Krasulin. Staraia masterskaia. Novaia masterskaia [Old Workshop, New Workshop]. Exhibition Catalogue, Moscow, 1998; Andrei Krasulin, Obraz zhizni. Skulptura. Zhivopis. Grafika [Way of Life. Sculpture. Paintings, Graphic Works]. Exhibition Catalogue, State Russian Museum, Museum Ludwig at the Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery, 2004.
  346. “Konkurs RGNF kak vyrazheniie osnovnykh tendentsii razvitiia nauki” [RFH Competition as a Reflection of the Main Tendencies in the Development of Science], Vestnik Rossiikogo gumanitarnogo nauchnogo fonda, No. 3, 1997.
  347. “Malevich mezhdu frantsuzskim kubizmom i italianskim futurizmom” [Malevich between French Cubism and Italian Futurism], in Klassicheskii avangard – 2. Vitebsk [Malevich. Textbook Avant-garde – 2. Vitebsk]. Collection of Papers of the Third International Conference. Vitebsk. 1998. Reprinted in Russkii avangard 1910-1920-kh godov v evropeiskom kontekste [The Russian Avant-garde of the 1910s – 1920s in the European Context], Moscow, 2000.
  348. Review of G.G. Pospelov’s Russkoye iskusstvo XIX veka. Voprosy ponimaniia vremeni. Ocherki[Russian Art of the Nineteenth Century. Problems of Understanding the Time. Essays], Iskusstvoznanie, 1/98, Moscow, 1998.
  349. “Iskusstvovedcheskaia sektsiia RGNF” [Art Studies Section of the Russian Foundation for the Humanities], Ibid.
  350. “Obraz Vostoka v russkoi zhivopisi” [Image of the East in Russian Painting], in Rossiia – Vostok – Zapad [Russia – East – West], Moscow, 1998.
  351. “Ogon i svet u Surikova” [Fire and Light in Surikov] (Theses), in Surikov i khudozhestvennaia kultura ego vremeni [Surikov and Art Culture of His Time]. Conference Abstracts, Moscow, 1998.
  352. “Muzeiu – s liuboviiu” [To Museum with Love], in Gosudarstvennomu Muzeiu izobrazitelnykh iskusstv im. A.S. Pushkina – 100 let [The State Pushkin Museum – 100 Years], Moscow, 1998.